Health care mentorships available for winter quarter 2009

Health care mentorships available for winter quarter

There are currently five mentorship positions available at the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center for winter quarter in the following areas:

  • Nursing
  • Radiologic Technology (x-ray imaging)
  • Information Technology
  • Health Care Billing
  • Accounting

The mentorship program runs from February 9 to March 12, 2009.

It is a 20-hour mentorship (ideally in 2-hr. blocks of time).

The program is designed for those students that have an interest in a health related field. This is an opportunity for students to explore their interests.The mentorships are not intended for students who are already committed to a given career path.

If you are interested, please contact Randy Mitchell in the Career Center (room 2128 in Wenatchi Hall or call 682-6858) for an application packet.

The deadline for submitting application packets is Monday, January 19th.
